1. Theory is something that a method for research often
builds on. It is supposed to be a framework, a systematic statement of rules or
principles to be followed. This can correspond to known facts that have been
confirmed by observation or experiments. A common view is that theory provides
explanation and predictions for deriving logical argumentation for how
something works. Theory can also be used for predictions or to base assumptions
on which can then be tested. Theory can be something that new findings
originate from and those new findings can then in term be theory. In physical
or natural sciences, theory can be seen as what provides explanations and
predictions for statements that can be tested against observations in the real
Theory can be divided into five different types of
theory; 1. Analysis: says what is. 2.
Explanation: says what is, how, why,
when, where. 3. Prediction: says what
is and what will be. 4. Explanation and
Prediction: says what is, how, why, when, where, and what will be. 5. Design and action: says how to do
example, sometimes theory can have either the aim to make explanations or
the aim of prediction but at the
expense of one another. It is for instance possible to achieve precise
predictions without having the explanatory reasons for why the outcome occurs. An
example is given; that it is possible to predict from the appearance of clouds
that it will start raining without having understanding of how precipitation
occurs. These different types of theories are important to address depending on
what is aimed to be achieved.
is easy to believe that theory can be any factual statement but theory must
however present some logic that presents why thing are as such. Thus when a
reference is made to what has been written; it has to include some logic that
explains the statement. Data in itself isn’t always theory as such either but theory
is rather why or how the data is or is going to be observed.
Journal: Computers & Education
Volume 52, Issue 3, April 2009Impact factor: 2.621
Article: Impact of media richness
and flow on e-learning technology acceptance.
Source: Web of knowledge; web of
The major theory used in this paper
is founded on previous advances in research related to what is called the
technology acceptance model, flow theory and media richness theory along with
hypotheses related to this research. They study this model and then makes the assumption
that the use of this model is no longer sufficient to study the intended use of
e-learning systems due to advances in research which shows that an increase in
sophistication by computer users. They hereby use the fourth type of theory; Explanation and prediction. They provide
explanations and tests done with the current technology acceptance model and
they also provide predictions with casual explanations. They don’t however say
how to do something in the theory part, only after the method and results are
carried out, so they’re not falling into the fifth category which is design and
3. The benefits of
using, in this case the selected method “Explanation and prediction” is that the
work is delineated for examine a specific area and so the content can go into
great detail and has a very clear definition of what the article is aiming to
convey. However, the limitation of this could be that if the prediction already
made in the theory turns out to be incorrect or faulty the main intention of
the research can be rendered meaningless or with inferior interest.
Hej Joel, the paper you chose is full of different theory methods and based on a lot theories, do you think these theories have a real value or are they just predicting something the may be...?